PC81711NSZ データシート - Sharp Electronics

Sharp Electronics
■ Features
1. Low input current type(IF=0.5mA)
2. High resistance to noise due to high common rejection voltage (CMR:MIN. 10kV/µs)
3. Compact dual-in line package
4. Isolation voltage(Viso:5kVrms)
5. Recognized by UL, file No. E64380
■ Applications
1. Programmable controllers
2. Facsimiles
3. Telephones
Low Input Current Type Photocoupler
Sharp Electronics
Low Input Current Type Photocoupler
Sharp Electronics
AC Input, Low Input Current Type Photocoupler ( Rev : V2 )
Sharp Electronics
AC Input, Low Input Current Type Photocoupler ( Rev : Old_V )
Sharp Electronics
Low Input Current Drive Type Photocoupler
Sharp Electronics
High Input Current Type Photocoupler
Sharp Electronics
High Input Current, AC Input Type Photocoupler
Sharp Electronics
Low Input Current Type Long Creepage Distance Photocoupler
Sharp Electronics
Low Driving Current Type Photocoupler
Sharp Electronics
Mini-flat Package High CMR, Low Input Current Type Photocoupler
Sharp Electronics