Philips Electronics
The P80C557E4/P83C557E4/P89C557E4 (hereafter generically referred to as P8xC557E4) single-chip 8-bit microcontroller is manufactured in an advanced CMOS process and is a derivative of the 80C51 microcontroller family. The P8xC557E4 has the same instruction set as the 80C51. Three versions of the derivative exist:
• P83C557E4 — 32 Kbytes mask programmable ROM
• P80C557E4 — ROMless version of the P83C557E4
• P89C557E4 — 32 Kbytes FEEPROM (Flash-EEPROM)
• 80C51 central processing unit
• 32 K × 8 ROM respectively FEEPROM (Flash-EEPROM), expandable externally to 64 Kbytes
• ROM/FEEPROM Code protection
• 1024 × 8 RAM, expandable externally to 64 Kbytes
• Two standard 16-bit timer/counters
• An additional 16-bit timer/counter coupled to four capture registers and three compare registers
• A 10-bit ADC with eight multiplexed analog inputs and programmable autoscan
• Two 8-bit resolution, pulse width modulation outputs
• Five 8-bit I/O ports plus one 8-bit input port shared with analog inputs
• I2C-bus serial I/O port with byte oriented master and slave functions
• Full-duplex UART compatible with the standard 80C51
• On-chip watchdog timer
• 15 interrupt sources with 2 priority levels (2 to 6 external sources possible)
• Extended temperature range (–40 to +85°C)
• 4.5 to 5.5 V supply voltage range
• Frequency range for 80C51-family standard oscillator: 3.5 MHz to 16 MHz
• PLL oscillator with 32 kHz reference and software-selectable system clock frequency
• Seconds Timer
• Software enable/disable of ALE output pulse
• Electromagnetic compatibility improvements
• Wake-up from Power-down by external or seconds interrupt