TT Electronics.
The OPF395 series fiber opƟc transmiƩers are high performance devices packaged for data communicaƟon links. This transmiƩer is an 850 nm GaAlAs LED and is specifically designed to efficiently launch opƟcal power into fibers ranging in size from 50/125µm up to 200/300µm diameter fiber. MulƟple power ranges with upper and lower limits are offered which allows the designer to select a device best suited for the applicaƟon.
This product’s combinaƟon of features including high speed and efficient coupled power makes it an ideal transmiƩer for integraƟon into all types of data communicaƟons equipment.
• Low Cost 850 nm LED technology
• Electrically isolated plasƟc cap package
• High thermal stability
• High opƟcal coupling efficiency to mulƟmode fiber
• Industrial temperature range
• 75 MHz Bandwidth
• Industrial Ethernet equipment
• Copper-to-fiber media conversion
• Intra-system fiber opƟc links
• Video surveillance systems