NTE Electronics
The NTE1720 PWM switching regulator control circuit contains all the essential circuitry to implement single–ended or push–pull switching regulators. Included on the circuit are oscillator, voltage refer ence, a pulse width modulator, error amplifier, overload protection circuitry and output drivers.
A substance zener reference has been used to provide excellent stability with time and the reference has been used to provide excellent stability with time and the reference is trimmed at the wafer level to provide an initial accuracy of 2%. Additionally, the oscillator is trimmed to provide a medium toler ance of 6%.
• Reference Tolerance: ±2%
• Oscillator Tolerance: ±6%
• Long Term Stability: 10mV/1000 Hrs
• Operates Above 100kHz
• Switching Power Supplies
• Motor Speed Control
• Off–Line Power Converters