Japan Radio Corporation
NJG1519KC1 is a GaAs high power SP4T switch MMIC for antenna switch of dual mode cellular phone application such as GSM/DCS1800.
This switch is designed for an antenna switch between an antenna and one of two Tx ports or two Rx ports to control RF signals up to 2.5GHz.
The ultra small & ultra thin FLP10 package is applied.
● Low voltage operation +2.5V min
● Pin at 0.2dB compression point 36dBm typ. @f=1.9GHz, VCTL=3V
● Low insertion loss 0.55dB typ. @f=0.9GHz, PIN=34dBm, VCTL=3V
0.80dB typ. @f=1.9GHz, PIN=32dBm, VCTL=3V
● High isolation 24dB typ. @f=0.9GHz, VCTL=3V
18dB typ. @f=1.9GHz, VCTL=3V
● Low control current 30uA typ. @f=0.9GHz, PIN=34dBm, VCTL=3V
● Ultra small & ultra thin package FLP10-C1 (Mount Size: 2.8x3.0x0.75mm)