Fairchild Semiconductor
The NC7WZ16 is a dual buffer from Fairchild’s Ultra High Speed Series of TinyLogic®. The device is fabricated with advanced CMOS technology to achieve ultra-high speed with high output drive while maintaining low static power dissipation over a very broad VCC operating range. The device is specified to operate over the 1.65V to 5.5V VCC range. The inputs and outputs are high impedance when VCC is 0V. Inputs tolerate voltages up to 7V independent of VCC operating voltage.
■ Ultra-High Speed: tPD 2.4ns (Typical) into 50pF at 5V VCC
■ High Output Drive: ±24mA at 3V VCC
■ Broad VCC Operating Range: 1.65V to 5.5V
■ Matches Performance of LCX when Operated at 3.3V VCC
■ Power Down High-Impedance Inputs/Outputs
■ Over-Voltage Tolerance Inputs Facilitate 5V to 3V Translation
■ Proprietary Noise/EMI Reduction Circuitry
■ Ultra-Small MicroPak™ Packages
■ Space-Saving SC70 Package