Zarlink Semiconductor Inc
The MVTX2800 family is a group of 1000 Mbps non-blocking Ethernet switch chips with on-chip address memory. A single chip provides a maximum of eight 1000 Mbps ports and a dedicated CPU interface with a 16/8-bit bus for managed and unmanaged switch applications.
• 4 Gigabit Ports with GMII and PCS interface
- Gigabit Port can also support 100/10 Mbps MII interface
- Provide Hot plug support for GMII/PCS module
• High Performance Layer 2 Packet Forwarding (11.904M packets per second) and Filtering at Full-Wire Speed
• Maximum throughput is 4 Gbps non-blocking
• Centralized shared-memory architecture
• Consists of two Memory Domains at 133 MHz
- Frame Buffer Domain: One bank of ZBT-SRAM with 1M/2MB total
- Switch Database Domain with 256K/512K SRAM
• Up to 64K MAC addresses to provide large node aggregation in wiring closet switches
• Provides Port based and ID Tagged VLAN (IEEE802.1Q) up to 4K VLAN
• Support IP Multicast with IGMP snooping up to 64K groups.