MUSIC Semiconductors
The MU9C4485A/L, MU9C2485A/L, and MU9C1485A/L WidePort LANCAMs are 64-bit wide content-addressable memories (CAMs), featuring a 32-bit wide interface. This interface doubles the available I/O bandwidth in many applications while maintaining the same powerful enhanced architecture and instruction set as the MU9C2480A/L.
➤ 4096 (4485A/L), 2048 (2485A/L), and 1024 (1485A/L) word CMOS content-addressable memories (CAMs)
➤ 64-bit word width
➤ 32-bit I/O compatible with the MU9C1485
➤ Fast 50 ns compare speed
➤ Dual configuration register set for rapid context switching
➤ Increased flexibility of MUSIC’s patented CAM/RAM partitioning
➤ 80-pin TQFP package with the same pinout as the MU9C1485 and MU9C1965A/L
➤ 5 volt (A) or 3.3 volt (L) operation
Enhances Ethernet and Token-Ring LAN bridges and switches:
➤ 64-bit width stores 48-bit MAC address plus associated data (Port ID, time stamp, “permanent” flag)
➤ 32-bit I/O supports multiple ports of fast (100 Mb) Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet
➤ Station list depth flexibility with choice of pin-compatible device densities and glue-free cascading
➤ 3.3 Volt option for low power systems
➤ Industrial temperature grades for harsh environments