Oki Electric Industry
The MSM7718, developed for PHS (Personal Handyphone System) applications, is a CMOS LSI device and contains a line echo canceler and a single channel full-duplex ADPCM transcoder that performs interconversion between voice-band analog signal and 32 kbps ADPCM data.
This device includes DTMF tone and several types of tone generation, transmit/receive data mute and gain control, and VOX function and is best suited for master telephones in PHS applications.
• Single 3 V power supply VDD : 2.7 V to 3.6 V
• ADPCM : ITU-T Recommendations G.726 (32 kbps)
• Full-Duplex single channel operation
• Transmit/receive synchronous mode
• PCM interface coding format : µ-law
• Built-in line echo canceler
Echo attenuation : 30 dB (typ.)
Cancelable echo delay time :
Normal speech mode : 23 ms (max.)
Line echo canceler expansion mode : 54 ms (max.)
• Serial PCM/ADPCM transmission data rate : 64 kbps to 2048 kbps
• Low power consumption
Operating mode : Typically 66 mW (VDD = 3.0 V)
Power-down mode : Typically 0.3 mW (VDD = 3.0 V)
• Two analog input gain adjustable amplifier stages
• Analog output stage : Push-pull drive, (direct drive of 350 Ω + 120 nF)
• Master clock frequency : 9.600/19.200 MHz
• Transmit/receive mute, transmit/receive programmable gain control
• Built-in DTMF tone generator and various ringing tones generator
• DTMF tone and call progress tone detection
• Serial MCU interface control
• Built-in VOX control
Transmit side : Voice/silence detect
Receive side : Background noise generation at the absence of voice signal
• Built-in 2100 Hz tone detection (bidirectional)
• Package:
100-pin plastic TQFP (TQFP100-1414-0.50-K) (Product name : MSM7718-01TS-K)