Freescale Semiconductor
PowerQUICC III™ Integrated Host Processor Reference Manual
The MPC8540 integrates a PowerPC™ processor core with system logic required for networking, storage, and general-purpose embedded applications. The MPC8540 is a member of a growing family of products that combine system-level support for industry standard interfaces to processors that implement the PowerPC architecture. This chapter provides a high-level description of the features and functionality of the MPC8540 integrated microprocessor.
The MPC8540 uses the e500 core and RapidIO interconnect technology to balance processor performance with I/O system throughput. The e500 core implements the enhanced Book E instruction set architecture and provides unprecedented levels of hardware and software debugging support.
In addition, the MPC8540 offers 256 Kbytes of L2 cache, 2 integrated 10/100/1Gb three-speed Ethernet controllers (TSECs), a 10/100 maintenance port, a DDR SDRAM memory controller, a 64-bit PCI/PCI-X controller, an 8-bit RapidIO port, a programmable interrupt controller (PIC), an I2C controller, a 4-channel DMA controller, a general-purpose I/O port, and a dual universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (DUART). The high level of integration in the MPC8540 simplifies board design and offers significant bandwidth and performance.