Micro Linear Corporation
The ML6426 are a family of triple video filters with buffered outputs. There are several versions of the ML6426, each with different passband cut-off frequencies of 6.7MHz, 12MHz, 24MHz, 30MHz, 36MHz, and 48MHz. Each channel contains a 4th-order Butterworth lowpass reconstruction video filter. The filter is optimized for minimum overshoot and flat group delay and guaranteed differential gain and phase at the outputs of the integrated cable drivers.
■ 5V ±10% operation
■ RGB/YUV filters for ATSC Digital Television VESA Standard
■ 2:1 Mux Inputs for multiple RGB/YUV inputs
■ Triple Reconstruction Filter options for 6.7, 12, 24, 30, 36, and 48MHz to handle various line rates
■ Multiple ML6426 outputs can be paralleled to drive RGB/YUV outputs at different frequencies for various line rates by means of Disable/Enable pin.
■ 6dB drivers and sync tip clamps for DC restore
■ DC restore with minimal tilt
■ 0.4% differential gain on all channels 0.4º differential phase on all channels 0.8% total harmonic distortion on all channels
■ 2kV ESD protection