Motorola => Freescale
Ultra Low Power DC - 2.4 GHz Linear Mixer
The MC13143 is a high compression linear mixer with single–ended RF input, differential IF output and differential LO inputs which consumes as little as 1.8 mW. A new circuit topology is used to achieve a high third order intermodulation intercept point, high linearity and high 1.0 dB output compression point while maintaining a linear 50 Ω input impedance. It is designed for Up or Down conversion anywhere from dc to 2.4 GHz.
Ultra Low Power: 1.0 mA @ VCC = 1.8 to 6.5 V
• Wide Input Bandwidth: DC–2.4 GHz
• Wide Output Bandwidth: DC–2.4 GHz
• Wide LO Bandwidth: DC–2.4 GHz
• High Mixer Linearity: Pi1.0 dB = 3.0 dBm
Linearity Adjustment of up to IP3in = 20 dBm
• 50 Ω Mixer Input
• Single–Ended Mixer Input
• Double Balanced Mixer Operation
• Differential Open Collector Mixer Output