Motorola => Freescale
AMAX Stereo Chipset
The MC13027 and MC13122 have been specifically designed for AM radio which can meet the EIA/NAB AMAX requirements. They are essentially the same as the MC13022A and MC13025 with the addition of noise blanking circuitry. The noise blanker consists of a wide band amplifier with an RF switch for blanking ahead the IF amplifier and a stereo audio blanker with adjustable delay and blanking times.
• Operating Voltage Range of 6.0 V to 10 V
• RF Blanker with Built–In Wide Band AGC Amplifier
• Audio Noise Blanker with Audio Track and Hold
• Mixer Third Order Intercept of 8.0 dBm (115 dBµV)
• Wide Band AGC Detector for RF Amplifier
• Local Oscillator VCO Divide–by–4 for Better Phase Noise
• Buffered Local Oscillator Output at the Fundamental Frequency
• Fast Stereo Decoder Lock
• Soft Stereo Blend
• Signal Quality Detector to Control Variable Q–Notch Filters for Adaptive
Audio Bandwidth and Whistle Reduction
• Signal Quality Detector for AM Stereo
• Very Low Distortion Envelope and Synchronous Detectors
• Variable Bandwidth IF