MC10H330 データシート - Motorola => Freescale

Motorola => Freescale
The MC10H330 is a Quad Bus Driver/Receiver with two–to–one output multiplexers. These multiplexers have a common select and output enable. When disabled, (OE = high) the bus outputs go to –2.0 V. Their output can be brought to a low state (VOL) by applying a high level to the receiver enable (RE = High). The parameters specified are with 25 Ω loading on the bus drivers and 50 Ω loads on the receivers.
• Propagation Delay, 1.5 ns Typical Data–to–Output
• Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (Over Operating Voltage and Temperature Range)
• Voltage Compensated
• MECL 10K–Compatible
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