The MB89143A/144A has been developed as a general-purpose version of the F2MC-8L* family consisting of proprietary 8-bit, single-chip microcontrollers.
In addition to a compact instruction set, the microcontrollers contain peripheral functions such as dual-clock control system, five operating speed control stages, timers, a serial interface, an A/D converter, buzzer output, high voltage driver, watch prescaler, and an external interrupt. The MB89143A/144A is applicable to a wide range of applications from welfare products to industrial equipment.
• Minimum execution time: 0.50 µs/8.0-MHz oscillation
• Interrupt servicing time: 4.50 µs/8.0-MHz oscillation
• F2MC-8L family CPU core
Instruction set optimized for controllers
Multiplication and division instructions
16-bit arithmetic operations
Test and branch instructions
Bit manipulation instructions, etc.
• Dual-clock control system
• High-voltage ports: 24 channel
• Two types of timers
8/16-bit timer/counter (also usable as two 8-bit timers)
21-bit time-base timer
• One 8-bit serial interface
Switchable transfer direction allows communication with various equipment.
• 8-bit A/D converter: 8 channels
Successive approximation type
• External interrupt: 2 channels
Two channels are independent and capable of wake-up from low-power consumption modes. (Rising edge/
falling edge/both edges selectability)
–0.3 V to +7.0 V can be applied to INT1 (N-ch open-drain)
• Low-power consumption modes
Subclock mode (The main clock stops, and the device operates at the subclock.)
Watch mode (Only the watch prescaler is operating.)
Stop mode (Oscillation stops to minimize the current consumption.)
Sleep mode (The CPU stops to reduce the current consumption to approx. 1/3 of normal.)
• Watch prescaler
• Buzzer output
• Watchdog reset, reset output, and power-on reset functions