MB65S28K データシート - SL Power Electronics

SL Power Electronics
A superior performance 65 Watt AC to DC power supply designed for next generation medical applications. Feature rich and highly efficient, MB65 product family can easily fit in a 1U chassis and provides 65 Watts of convection power. Input & output and internal temperature monitoring/alarms are features of the MB65 family. All models are CE marked to low voltage directive and approved to AAMI ES/CSA C22.2 No./EN/IEC60601-1, 3rd edition. The design takes into consideration the pending international release of the new IEC 60601-1-2, 4th Edition EMC requirements. With low leakage current performance, the power supplies are BF rated.
◾ 2” x 3.5’ x 1.3” Package, Ideal for 1U Applications
◾ 10-year life design with Premium E-Caps
◾ 65 Watts convection cooled
◾ Class I and Class II models
◾ Class B Conducted and Radiated EMI Performance
◾ BF Isolation Type Rated
◾ Designed to meet new IEC 60601-1-2 4th Edition
EMC Requirements
◾ Approved to AAMI ES/CSA C22.2/EN/IEC60601-1,
3rd Edition
◾ 2 x MOPP Isolation
◾ Internal Temperature Monitor, DC – OK Signal, LED
◾ 3 Year Warranty