Maxim Integrated
General Description
The MAX6876 EEPROM-configurable, multivoltage power tracker/supervisor monitors four system voltages and ensures proper power-up and power-down conditions for systems requiring voltage tracking and/or sequencing. The MAX6876 provides a highly configurable solution as key thresholds and timing parameters are programmed through an I2C interface and these values are stored in internal EEPROM. The MAX6876 also provides supervisory functions and an overcurrent detection circuit.
♦ Tracking/Sequencing for Up to Four Supply
Voltages (With One MAX6876 Device) and
Tracking for Up to 16 Supply Voltages (Using
Four MAX6876 Devices)
♦ EEPROM-Configurable Tracking/Sequencing
♦ Bus Voltage Independent Operation (MAX6876 Is
Powered from the Tracked Supply Voltages or
Always-On Supply)
♦ EEPROM-Selectable Undervoltage/Overvoltage
Lockout Thresholds for Each Input Supply
♦ EEPROM-Selectable Power-Up/Down Slew Rate
♦ Programmable Power-Good Output Thresholds
and Timing
♦ Global Adjustable Undervoltage Lockout or Logic
♦ Independent Internal Charge Pumps to Enhance
External n-Channel FETs (VGATE_SOURCE = 5V)
♦ Post Power-Up Selectable Overcurrent Detection
♦ 0.5V to 5.5V IN_ Threshold Range
♦ ±1.5% Threshold Accuracy
♦ I2C/SMBus™-Compatible Serial Interface
♦ Small 6mm x 6mm, 36-Pin Thin QFN Package
Multivoltage Systems
Networking Systems
Storage Equipment