Maxim Integrated
General Description
The MAX199 multi-range, 12-bit data-acquisition system (DAS) requires only a single +5V supply for operation, and converts analog signals up to ±4V at its inputs. This system provides eight analog input channels that are independently software programmable for a variety of ranges: ±VREF, ±VREF/2, 0V to VREF, or 0V to VREF/2.
♦ 12-Bit Resolution, 1/2LSB Linearity
♦ Single +5V Operation
♦ Software-Selectable Input Ranges: ±VREF, ±VREF/2, 0V to VREF, 0V to VREF/2
♦ Internal 4.096V or External Reference
♦ Fault-Protected Input Multiplexer (±16.5V)
♦ 8 Analog Input Channels
♦ 6µs Conversion Time, 100ksps Sampling Rate
♦ Internal or External Acquisition Control
♦ Two Power-Down Modes
♦ Internal or External Clock
Industrial-Control Systems
Data-Acquisition Systems
Automatic Testing Systems
Medical Instruments