Linear Technology
The LTC®3586/LTC3586-1 are highly integrated power management and battery charger ICs for Li-Ion/Polymer battery applications. They include a high efficiency current limited switching PowerPath manager with automatic load prioritization, battery charger, ideal diode, and four
synchronous switching regulators (two bucks, one buck boost and one boost). Designed specifically for USB applications, the LTC3586/LTC3586-1’s switching power manager automatically limits input current to a maximum of either 100mA or 500mA for USB applications or 1A for
adapter-powered applications.
Power Manager
High Effi ciency Switching PowerPathTM Controller with Bat-TrackTM Adaptive Output Control and
“Instant-On” Operation
Programmable USB or Wall Current Limit(100mA/500mA/1A)
Full Featured Li-Ion/Polymer Battery Charger with Float Voltage of 4.1V (LTC3586-1) or 4.2V (LTC3586) with 1.5A Maximum Charge Current
Internal 180mΩ Ideal Diode Plus External Ideal Diode Controller Powers Load in Battery Mode
<30μA No-Load Quiescent Current when Powered from BAT
Dual High Effi ciency Buck DC/DCs (400mA IOUT)
High Effi ciency Buck-Boost DC/DC (1A IOUT)
High Effi ciency Boost DC/DC (800mA IOUT)
Compact (4mm ×6mm ×0.75mm) 38-Pin QFN Package
Digital Still Cameras
HDD-Based MP3 Players, PDAs, GPS, PMPs
Other USB-Based Handheld Products