LTC1597(V2) データシート - Linear Technology

Linear Technology
The LTC®1597 is a parallel input 16-Bit multiplying current output DAC that operates from a single 5V supply. INL and DNL are accurate to 1LSB over the industrial temperature range in both 2- and 4-quadrant multiplying modes. True 16-bit 4-quadrant multiplication is achieved with on-chip 4-quadrant multiplication resistors.
■ True 16-Bit Performance over Industrial Temperature Range
■ DNL and INL: 1LSB Max
■ On-Chip 4-Quadrant Resistors Allow Precise 0V to 10V, 0V to –10V or ±10V Outputs
■ Asynchronous Clear Pin
LTC1597: Reset to Zero Scale
LTC1597-1: Reset to Midscale
■ Glitch Impulse < 2nV-s
■ 28-Lead SSOP Package
■ Low Power Consumption: 10µW Typ
■ Power-On Reset
■ Process Control and Industrial Automation
■ Direct Digital Waveform Generation
■ Software-Controlled Gain Adjustment
■ Automatic Test Equipment
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