Linear Technology
The LTC1272 is a 3µs, 12-bit, successive approximation sampling A/D converter. It has the same pinout as the industry standard AD7572 and offers faster conversion time, on-chip sample-and-hold, and single supply operation. It uses LTBiCMOSTM switched-capacitor technology to combine a high speed 12-bit ADC with a fast, accurate sample-and-hold and a precision reference.
■ AD7572 Pinout
■ 12-Bit Resolution
■ 3µs and 8µs Conversion Times
■ On-Chip Sample-and-Hold
■ Up to 250kHz Sample Rates
■ 5V Single Supply Operation
■ No Negative Supply Required
■ On-Chip 25ppm/°C Reference
■ 75mW (Typ) Power Consumption
■ 24-Pin Narrow DIP and SOL Packages
■ ESD Protected on All Pins
■ High Speed Data Acquisition
■ Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
■ Multiplexed Data Acquisition Systems
■ Single Supply Systems