Linear Technology
The LTC1164-6 is a monolithic 8th order elliptic lowpass filter featuring clock-tunable cutoff frequency and low power supply current. Low power operation is achieved without compromising noise or distortion performance. At ±5V supplies the LTC1164-6 uses only 4mA supply current while keeping wideband noise below 110µVRMS. With a single 5V supply, the LTC1164-6 can provide up to 10kHz cutoff frequency and 80dB signal-to-noise ratio while consuming only 2.5mA.
■ 8th Order Pin Selectable Elliptic or Bessel Filter in a 14-Pin Package
■ 4mA Supply Current with ±5V Supplies
■ 64dB Attenuation at 1.44 fCUTOFF (Elliptic Response)
■ fCUTOFF up to 30kHz (50:1 fCLK to fCUTOFF Ratio)
■ 110µVRMS Wideband Noise with ±5V Supplies
■ Operates at Single 5V Supply with 1VRMS Input Range
■ Operates up to ±8V Supplies
■ TTL/CMOS Compatible Clock Input
■ No External Components
■ Anti-Aliasing Filters
■ Battery-Operated Instruments
■ Telecommunication Filters