LA6541D データシート - SANYO -> Panasonic

SANYO -> Panasonic
Functions and Features
• 4-channel bridge (BTL) power amplifier.
• IO max. 700 mA.
• With mute circuit
(Affects all amplifier outputs, Amp 1 to Amp 8).
(When the mute voltage is low, the outputs turn off;
when the mute voltage is high, the outputs turn on).
• 5.0 V regulator built in (Uses external PNP transistor).
• Reset circuit built in (The reset output delay time can be
adjusted through an external capacitor).
Page Link's:
4-channel Bridge Driver for Compact Discs
SANYO -> Panasonic
Four-Channel Bridge Driver for Compact Disc Players
SANYO -> Panasonic
For Compact Disk Four-Channel Bridge (BTL) Driver
SANYO -> Panasonic
Four-Channel Bridge Driver for Compact Disc Players
SANYO -> Panasonic
Four-Channel Bridge Driver for Compact Disc Players
SANYO -> Panasonic
4-Channel Bridge (BTL) Driver for CD-ROM
SANYO -> Panasonic
4-Channel Bridge (BTL) Driver for CD-ROM
SANYO -> Panasonic
4-channel Bridge Driver for CD and CD-ROMs
SANYO -> Panasonic
4-channel Bridge Driver for CD and CD-ROMs
SANYO -> Panasonic
5-channel Driver for Compact Disk Applications
SANYO -> Panasonic