Integrated Device Technology
The IDT72V81/72V82/72V83/72V84/72V85 are dual-FIFO memories that load and empty data on a first-in/first-out basis. These devices are functional and compatible to two IDT72V01/72V02/72V03/72V04/72V05 FIFOs in a single package with all associated control, data, and flag lines assigned to separate pins. The devices use Full and Empty flags to prevent data overflow and underflow and expansion logic to allow for unlimited expansion capability in both word size and depth.
♦ The IDT72V81 is equivalent to two IDT72V01 - 512 x 9 FIFOs
♦ The IDT72V82 is equivalent to two IDT72V02 - 1,024 x 9 FIFOs
♦ The IDT72V83 is equivalent to two IDT72V03 - 2,048 x 9 FIFOs
♦ The IDT72V84 is equivalent to two IDT72V04 - 4,096 x 9 FIFOs
♦ The IDT72V85 is equivalent to two IDT72V05 - 8,192 x 9 FIFOs
♦ Low power consumption
— Active: 330 mW (max.)
— Power-down: 18 mW (max.)
♦ Ultra high speed—15 ns access time
♦ Asynchronous and simultaneous read and write
♦ Offers optimal combination of data capacity, small foot print and functional flexibility
♦ Ideal for bidirectional, width expansion, depth expansion, bus-matching, and data sorting applications
♦ Status Flags: Empty, Half-Full, Full
♦ Auto-retransmit capability
♦ High-performance CEMOS™ technology
♦ Space-saving TSSOP package
♦ Industrial temperature range (–40°C to +85°C) is available