Integrated Circuit Systems
General Description
The ICS9248-64 is a main clock synthesizer chip for AMD-K7 based systems. This provides all clocks required for such a system when used with a Zero Delay Buffer Chip such as the ICS9179-06.
• Generates the following system clocks:
- 3 differential pair open drain CPU clocks (1.5V external pull-up; up to 133MHz).
- 8 PCI including 1 free running (3.3V) @33.3MHz.
- 2 AGP(3.3V) up to 66.6MHz.
- 2 REF(3.3V)@14.318MHz
- 1 48MHz(3.3V)
- 24 / 48MHz(3.3V)
• Skew characteristics:
- CPU -CPU<250ps
- CPUt - CPUc <200ps (differential pair)
- PCI – PCI: <500ps
- CPU – SDRAM_OUT: < 250ps
- CPU – AGP <500ps
• Efficient Power Management through PD#, PCI_STOP# and CPU_STOP#.
• Spread Spectrum option for EMI reduction (-1.0% down spread).
• Uses external 14.318 MHz crystal