HZ-LL データシート - Renesas Electronics

Renesas Electronics
• Vz-Iz characteristics are semi logarithmic linear from IZ = 1nA to 1mA and have sharper breakdown knees in a low current region, and also lower VZ temperature coefficients.
• Low dynamic impedance and low noise in the low current region (approximately 1/10 lower than the current zeners).
Silicon Epitaxial Planar Zener Diode for Hard Knee Low Noise
Renesas Electronics
Silicon Epitaxial Planar Zener Diode for Hard Knee Low Noise
Renesas Electronics
Silicon Epitaxial Planar Zener Diode for Hard Knee Low Noise
Renesas Electronics
Silicon Epitaxial Planar Zener Diode for Hard Knee Low Noise
Hitachi -> Renesas Electronics
Silicon Epitaxial Planar Zener Diode for Hard Knee Low Noise ( Rev : 2003 )
Renesas Electronics
Silicon Epitaxial Planar Zener Diode for Low Noise Application
Renesas Electronics
Silicon Epitaxial Planar Zener Diode for Low Noise Application
Renesas Electronics
Silicon Epitaxial Planar Zener Diode for Low Noise Application ( Rev : 2004 )
Renesas Electronics
Silicon Epitaxial Planar Zener Diode for Low Noise Application
Hitachi -> Renesas Electronics
Silicon Epitaxial Planar Zener Diode for Low Noise Application
Renesas Electronics