Hittite Microwave
General Description
The HMC330 MMIC is a broadband double balanced sub-harmonically pumped passive mixer that may be used as an upconverter or downconverter. The mixer requires no external matching or bias. This design was optimized to provide better 1dB compression performance as compared to the HMC266 under the same LO drive levels. The HMC330 provides greater than 38 dB LO to RF and 2LO to RF isolation performance. Measurements were made with the chip mounted and ribbon bonded into a 50-ohm microstrip test fi xture that contains 5-mil alumina substrates between the chip and K-connectors. Measured data includes the parasitic effects of the assembly. RF connections to the chip were made with 0.076 mm (3-mil) ribbon bond with minimal length <0.31mm (<12 mil).
Sub-Harmonically Pumped (x2) LO
Input IP3: 17 dBm
2LO/RF Isolation: 48 dB
Small Size: 0.97 mm2
Typical Applications
The HMC330 is ideal for:
• Point-to-Point Radios