HP => Agilent Technologies
These are 5 x 7 dot matrix displays with four 0.27" tall characters, driven by an on-board CMOS IC. The IC stores and decodes 7 bit ASCII data and displays it with an easy to read 5 x 7 font. Multiplexing circuitry and drivers are included in the IC to allow the display to interface simply with bus-based microprocessor systems.
• Smart Alphanumeric Display
Built-in RAM, ASCII Decoder,
and LED Drive Circuitry
• Software Controlled
Dimming and Blanking
• 128 ASCII Character Set
• End-Stackable
• Categorized for Luminous
Yellow and Green Categories
for Color
Use of Like Categories Yields a
Uniform Display
• Wide Operating
Temperature Range
-40°C to +85°C
• Wave Solderable
• Wide Viewing Angle
(50° Typical)