Renesas Electronics
SH7014/16/17 Overview
The SH7014/16/17 CMOS single-chip microprocessors integrate a Renesas Technology-original architecture, high-speed CPU with peripheral functions required for system configuration.
The CPU has a RISC-type instruction set. Most instructions can be executed in one clock cycle, which greatly improves instruction execution speed. In addition, the 32-bit internal-bus architecture enhances data processing power. With this CPU, it has become possible to assemble low cost, high performance/high-functioning systems, even for applications that were previously impossible with microprocessors, such as real-time control, which demands high speeds. In particular, the SH7040 series has a 1-kbyte on-chip cache, which allows an improvement in CPU performance during external memory access.
In addition, this LSI includes on-chip peripheral functions necessary for system configuration, such as large-capacity ROM (except the SH7014, which is ROMless) and RAM, timers, a serial communication interface (SCI), an A/D converter, an interrupt controller, and I/O ports. Memory or peripheral LSIs can be connected efficiently with an external memory access support function. This greatly reduces system cost.