Renesas Electronics
The HD404054 Series and HD404094 Series are HMCS400-series microcomputers designed to increase program productivity with large-capacity memory. Each microcomputer has three timers, one serial interface, comparator, input capture circuit.
• The differences between HD404054 Series and HD404094 Series
• 27 I/O pins and 8 dedicated input pins
• Three timer/counters
• Eight-bit input capture circuit
• Two timer outputs (including two PWM outputs)
• One event counter inputs (including one double-edge function)
• One clock-synchronous 8-bit serial interface
• Comparator (2 channels)
• Built-in oscillators
- Main clock: Ceramic or crystal oscillator (an external clock is also possible)
• Six interrupt sources
- Two by external sources
- Four by internal sources
• Subroutine stack up to 16 levels, including interrupts
• Two low-power dissipation modes
- Standby mode
- Stop mode
• One external input for transition from stop mode to active mode
• Instruction cycle time: 1 µs (fOSC = 4 MHz at 1/4 division ratio)
- 1/4, or 1/32 division ratio can be selected by hardware
• Two operating modes
- MCU mode
- MCU/PROM mode (HD4074054, HD4074094)