Gennum -> Semtech
The DynamEQ® I hybrid is a dynamically adaptive loudness growth equalizer. Its gain and frequency response is dependent on the users environment, and is designed for level dependant frequency response providing treble increase at low levels (TILL). The unique twin averaging detector circuit dramatically reduces pumping effects and is optimized for mild to moderate hearing loss.
• designed to drive class D integrated receivers
• handles high input levels (up to 100 mVRMS) cleanly
• low THD and IMD distortion
• unique twin average detectors
• dual channel signal processing
• adjustable AGC threshold levels
• MPO range externally adjustable
• highpass filter with adjustable corner frequency
• 2:1 compression of high frequencies
• no external capacitors or resistors required
• 30% smaller by volume than DynamEQ® I (GS3011)