PerkinElmer Inc
Mini-Triggered Spark Gaps and Transformers
•High reliability
•Extremely low jitter
•Environmentally durable
•Small size
•Matching trigger transformers
Precision timing and firing for in-flight functions such as rocket motor ignition, warhead detonation and missile
stage separation. Each of these applications involves the activation of electro-explosive devices such as:
• Exploding bridgewire (EBW)
• Exploding foil initiator (EFI)
• Electronic safe and arm (ESA)
• Slapper/detonator
Miniature Trigger Transformers
These transformers were customdesigned for reliable triggering of the PerkinElmer GP-485/486/488/489 triggered spark gaps. They have operating circuit output voltages well above the maximum required by the switches and are capable of sustaining the trigger to adjacent electrode current during the turn-on phase of gap operation. These transformers are constructed using miniature cores, wound and potted, to produce high output voltage with a minimum of corona at twice rated output voltage.