Fairchild Semiconductor
The FMS6417A offers comprehensive filtering for set top box or DVD applications. This part consists of a triple 6th order filter with selectable 30MHz or 8MHz frequencies and a dual filter for filtering Y,C with a composite summer and a modulator channel with sound-notch and FCC group delay compensation. The modulator provides sound-notching and FCC group delay compensation for NTSC.
■ YUV/RGB filters
■ 2:1 Mux inputs for multiple RGB/YUV inputs
■ Selectable 8MHz or 30MHz 6th order filters for RGB (YUV) applications
■ 8MHz 6th order Y, C filters with composite summer
■ Modulator output with FCC group delay predistortion
■ AC or DC coupled input, AC coupled output
■ All outputs can drive AC coupled 75Ω loads and provide 6dB of gain
■ Dual multiplexed inputs
■ 1% differential gain with 1° differential phase
■ 36dB/octave roll-off on all channels
■ Pin compatible upgrade to the award winning FMS6417
■ Cable set top boxes
■ Satellite set top boxes
■ DVD players
■ Personal Video Recorders (PVR)
■ Video On Demand (VOD)
■ Media Centers