1SP0635x2x1-FZ800R33KF2C and 1SP0635x2x1C-FZ800R33KF2C Data Sheet
Compact, high-performance, plug-and-play single-channel IGBT driver based on SCALE™-2 technology for individual and parallel-connected modules in 2-level, 3-level and multilevel converter topologies
✓ Plug-and-play solution
✓ Allows parallel connection of IGBT modules
✓ For 2-level, 3-level and multilevel topologies
✓ Built-in isolated DC/DC power supply (master)
✓ Fiber-optic links (master)
✓ Built-in interface to 1SP0635D2S1(C) (slave)
✓ Duty cycle 0...100%
✓ Dynamic Advanced Active Clamping DA2C
✓ Dynamic IGBT short-circuit protection
✓ Monitoring of supply voltage
✓ Monitoring of gate voltage
✓ Extremely reliable; long service life
✓ Shortens application development time
✓ Suitable for FZ800R33KF2C, FD800R33KF2C and
✓ Traction
✓ Railroad power supplies
✓ Light rail vehicles
✓ Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS)
✓ Medium-voltage converters
✓ Industrial drives
✓ Wind-power converters
✓ Medical applications
✓ Research
✓ And many others