Analog Devices
This board is designed to allow the user to evaluate the performance of the ADF4213 Dual Frequency Synthesizer for PLLs (Phase Locked Loops). The block diagram of the board is shown below. It contains the ADF4213 synthesizer, a pc connector, SMA connector for the reference input, power supplies and RF and IF output. There is also a loop filter for both sides (20kHz bandwidth) and an RF and IF VCO on board. A cable is included with the board to connect to a pc printer port.
The package also contains windows software to allow easy programming of the synthesizer.
Self-Contained Board including Synthesizer, RF VCO and
loop filter for generating frequencies of 2.3GHz to
2.4GHz and IF VCO and loop filter for generating
frequencies of 700MHz to 850MHz
Designed for 20kHz Loop Bandwidth
Accompanying Software allows complete control of synthesizer
functions from PC using Windows 95/98/NT
Battery Operated: Choice of 3V or 5V supplies
On Board Monitoring of Current and Voltage.
Typical Phase Noise Performance of -83.5dBc/Hz (RF side)
@ 1kHz offset
Typical Phase Noise Performance of -90dBc/Hz (IF side) @
1kHz offset.