Davicom Semiconductor, Inc.
General Description
The DM9008 Ethernet controller is a highly integrated design that provides all Medial Access Control (MAC) and Encode-Decode (ENDEC) functions in accordance with the IEEE 802.3 standard. Network interfaces include 10BASE5 or 10BASE2 Ethernet via the AUI port and 10BASE-T via the Twisted-pair. The DM9008 Ethernet controller can interface directly to the PC-AT ISA bus without any external device.
Single chip solution for IEEE 802.3, 10BASE-T, 10BASE2 and 10BASE5
Integrated ISA interface, 8Kx16 SRAM, Media Access Control, ENDEC and 10BASE-T transceiver
Supports ISA Plug and Play configuration
Software-compatible with NOVELL NE2000
Supports PnP and Non-PnP Auto-switching
PnP, Non-PnP and Auto-switch mode software selectable
8 interrupt lines selectable
Auto-Polarity detection and correction
Selectable 8 and 16-bit slot mode
Provides auto-detection/auto-switching for 10BASE-T Transceiver and Attachment Unit Interface (AUI)
External EEPROM programmable
Supports BOOT-ROM page mode
Loopback capability for diagnostics
Receiver and collision squelch circuit to reduce noise
Low-power CMOS process with single 5V power supply
Built-in pre-distortion resisters for 10BASE-T application
100-pin QFP package