Analog Devices
The DAC8426 is a complete quad voltage output D/A converter with internal reference. This product fits directly into any existing 7226 socket where the user currently has a 10 V external reference. The external reference is no longer necessary. The internal reference of the DAC8426 is laser-trimmed to ±0.4% offering a 25 ppm/°C temperature coefficient and 5 mA of external load driving capability.
No Adjustments Required, Total Error 61 LSB Max
Over Temperature
Four Voltage-Output DACs on a Single Chip
Internal 10 V Bandgap Reference
Operates from Single 115 V Supply
Fast 50 ns Data Load Time, All Temperatures
Pin-for-Pin Replacement for PM-7226 and AD7226,
Eliminates External Reference
Process Controls
Multichannel Microprocessor Controlled:
System Calibration
Op Amp Offset and Gain Adjust
Level and Threshold Setting