Intel’s Word-Wide FlashFile™ memory family provides high-density, low-cost, nonvolatile, read/write storage solutions for a wide range of applications. The word-wide memories are available at various densities in the same package type. Their symmetrically-blocked architecture, voltage, and extended cycling provide highly flexible components suitable for resident flash arrays, SIMMs, and memory cards. Enhanced suspend capabilities provide an ideal solution for code or data storage applications.
■ Two 32-Byte Write Buffers
- 2 µs per Byte Effective Programming Time
■ Operating Voltage
- 5V VCC
- 5V VPP
■ 70 ns Read Access Time (16 Mbit) 90 ns Read Access Time (32 Mbit)
■ High-Density Symmetrically-Blocked Architecture
- 32 64-Kbyte Erase Blocks (16 Mbit)
- 64 64-Kbyte Erase Blocks (32 Mbit)
■ System Performance Enhancements
- STS Status Output
■ Industry-Standard Packaging
- SSOP and TSOP (16 Mbit)
- SSOP (32 Mbit)
■ Cross-Compatible Command Support
- Intel Standard Command Set
- Common Flash Interface (CFI)
- Scaleable Command Set (SCS)
■ 100,000 Block Erase Cycles
■ Enhanced Data Protection Features
- Absolute Protection with VPP = GND
- Flexible Block Locking
- Block Erase/Program Lockout during Power Transitions
■ Configurable x8 or x16 I/O
■ Automation Suspend Options
- Program Suspend to Read
- Block Erase Suspend to Program
- Block Erase Suspend to Read
■ ETOX™ V Nonvolatile Flash Technology