Cypress Semiconductor
Functional Description
The Cypress Synchronous Burst SRAM family employs high-speed, low-power CMOS designs using advanced triple-layer polysilicon, double-layer metal technology. Each memory cell consists of four transistors and two high valued resistors.
The CY7C1340A/GVT71128C32 SRAM integrates 131,072 × 32 SRAM cells with advanced synchronous peripheral circuitry and a two-bit counter for internal burst operation.
• Fast access times: 5 and 7 ns
• Fast clock speed: 100 and 66 MHz
• Provides high-performance 3-1-1-1 access rate
• Fast OE access times: 5 and 7 ns
• Optimal for performance (two-cycle chip deselect, depth expansion without wait state)
• Single +3.3V –5% and +10%power supply
• Supports +2.5V I/O
• 5V tolerant inputs except I/Os
• Clamp diodes to VSSQ at all outputs
• Common data inputs and outputs
• Byte Write Enable and Global Write control
• Three chip enables for depth expansion and address pipeline
• Address, control, input, and output pipeline registers
• Internally self-timed Write Cycle
• Burst control pins (interleaved or linear burst sequence)
• Automatic power-down for portable applications
• High-density, high-speed packages
• Low-capacitive bus loading
• High 30-pF output drive capability at rated access time