The CDP1854A/3 and CDP1854AC/3 are high reliability silicon gate CMOS Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) circuits. They are designed to provide the necessary formatting and control for interfacing between serial and parallel data. For example, these UARTs can be used to interface between a peripheral or terminal with serial I/O ports and the 8-bit CDP1800-series microprocessor parallel data bus system. The CDP1854A/3 is capable of full duplex operation, i.e., simultaneous conversion of serial input data to parallel output data and parallel input data to serial output data.
• Two Operating Modes
- Mode 0 - Functionally Compatible with Industry Types Such as the TR1602A and CDP6402
- Mode 1 - Interfaces Directly with CDP1800 Series Microprocessors without Additional Components
• Full or Half-Duplex Operation
• Parity, Framing, and Overrun Error Detection
• Fully Programmable with Externally Selectable Word Length (5-8 Bits), Parity Inhibit, Even/Odd Parity, and 1, 1-1/2, or 2 Stop Bits