QMOS 8 x 8 x 1 Crosspoint Switches with Memory Control
The CD74HC22106 is a digitally controlled analog switch which utilize silicon-gate CMOS technology. The CD74HC22106 features CMOS input-voltage-level compatibility.
The Master Reset has an internal pull-up resistor and is normally used with a 0.1µF capacitor. During power up all switches are automatically reset. The crosspoint switches will reset with MR = 0 even if CE is high. A 6-bit address through a 6 line to 64 line decoder selects the transmission gate which can be turned on by applying a logic ONE to the DATA input and logic ZERO to the STROBE. Similarly, any transmission gate can be turned OFF by applying a logic ZERO to the DATA input while strobing the STROBE with a logic ZERO.
• 64 Analog Switches in an 8 x 8 x 1 Array
• On-Chip Line Decoder and Control Latches
• Automatic Power-Up Reset by Using a 0.1µF Capacitor at
the MR Pin
• RON Resistanced 95Ω at VCC = 4.5V
• Analog Signal Capability: VDD/2
• Wide Operating Temp. Range: -40oC to 85oC
• 2V to 10V Operation
• High Noise Immunity: NIL = 30%, NIH = 30% of VDD; at
VDD = 5V and 10V