Silicon Laboratories
System Overview
C8051F380/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/C devices are fully integrated mixed-signal System-on-a-Chip MCUs. High lighted features are listed below. Refer to Table 1.1 for specific product feature selection.
■ High-speed pipelined 8051-compatible microcontroller core (up to 48 MIPS)
■ In-system, full-speed, non-intrusive debug interface (on-chip)
■ Universal Serial Bus (USB) Function Controller with eight flexible endpoint pipes, integrated
transceiver, and 1 kB FIFO RAM
■ Supply Voltage Regulator
■ True 10-bit 500 ksps differential / single-ended ADC with analog multiplexer
■ On-chip Voltage Reference and Temperature Sensor
■ On-chip Voltage Comparators (2)
■ Precision internal calibrated 48 MHz internal oscillator
■ Internal low-frequency oscillator for additional power savings
■ Up to 64 kB of on-chip Flash memory
■ Up to 4352 Bytes of on-chip RAM (256 + 4 kB)
■ External Memory Interface (EMIF) available on 48-pin versions.
■ 2 I2C/SMBus, 2 UARTs, and Enhanced SPI serial interfaces implemented in hardware
■ Four general-purpose 16-bit timers
■ Programmable Counter/Timer Array (PCA) with five capture/compare modules and Watchdog
Timer function
■ On-chip Power-On Reset, VDD Monitor, and Missing Clock Detector
■ Up to 40 Port I/O (5 V tolerant)