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eleflow technologies co., ltd.
N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor primarily for use in VHF-FM broadcast transmitters.
* Ιnternally matched input for wideband operation and high power gain;
* Multi-base structure and diffused emitter ballasting resistors for an optimum temperature profile;
* Gold-metallization ensures excellent reliability.
VHF power transistor
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
VHF power transistor
Philips Electronics
VHF power transistor
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
VHF power transistor
Philips Electronics
VHF power transistor
Philips Electronics
VHF power transistor
Philips Electronics
VHF power transistor
New Jersey Semiconductor
VHF Power Transistor
Motorola => Freescale
VHF power transistor
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
VHF power transistor ( Rev : 1986 )
Philips Electronics