ROHM Semiconductor
General Description
The BD99010EFV-M and BD99011EFV-M are ultra low Iq Step-down DC/DC converters with integrated power MOSFETs for 3.3V and 5V, respectively.
The SLLMTM (Simple Light Load Mode) control ensures an ultra low quiescent current and high efficiency at low load situation as well as a high efficiency at high load situations while maintaining a regulated output voltage. The product is compliant with automotive standards and accommodates a maximum voltage of 42V. The minimum input voltage is 3.6 V in order to sustain output at cold cranking conditions. The current mode regulation loop gives a fast transient response and easy phase compensation.
■ Low Quiescent Operating Current: 22μA
■ Simple Light Load Mode (SLLM)
■ Supports Cold Cranking Down to 3.6V
■ Output Voltage Accuracy: ±2%
■ Synchronous Rectifier
■ Soft Start
■ Chip Enable pin compatible with CMOS logic and
battery voltages
■ Forced PMW Mode Function
■ Current Mode Control with External Compensation
■ Over Current Protection, Short Circuit Protection,
Over Voltage Protection for VOUT, Under Voltage
Lock Out for VIN and Thermal Protection Circuits
■ Automotive Battery Powered Supplies(Cluster Panel,
Car Multimedia)
■ Industrial/Consumer Supplies.