Atmel Corporation
The Atmel® | SMART AT91RM9200 is a complete system-on-chip built around the ARM920T™ ARM® Thumb® processor. It incorporates a rich set of system and application peripherals and standard interfaces in order to provide a single-chip solution for a wide range of compute-intensive applications that require maximum functionality at minimum power consumption at lowest cost.
● Incorporates ARM920T ARM Thumb Processor
̶ 200 MIPS at 180 MHz, Memory Management Unit
̶ 16-Kbyte Data Cache, 16-Kbyte Instruction Cache, Write Buffer
̶ In-circuit Emulator including Debug Communication Channel
̶ Mid-level Implementation Embedded Trace Macrocell™ (256-ball LFBGA Package only)
● Low Power: On VDDCORE 24.4 mA in Normal Mode, 520 µA in Standby Mode
● Additional Embedded Memories
̶ 16 Kbytes of SRAM and 128 Kbytes of ROM
● External Bus Interface (EBI)
̶ Supports SDRAM, Static Memory, Burst Flash, Glueless Connection to CompactFlash® and NAND
● System Peripherals for Enhanced Performance:
̶ Enhanced Clock Generator and Power Management Controller
̶ Two On-chip Oscillators with Two PLLs
̶ Very Slow Clock Operating Mode and Software Power Optimization Capabilities
̶ Four Programmable External Clock Signals
̶ System Timer Including Periodic Interrupt, Watchdog and Second Counter
̶ Real-time Clock with Alarm Interrupt
̶ Debug Unit, Two-wire UART and Support for Debug Communication Channel
̶ Advanced Interrupt Controller with 8-level Priority, Individually Maskable Vectored Interrupt Sources, Spurious
Interrupt Protected
̶ Seven External Interrupt Sources and One Fast Interrupt Source
̶ Four 32-bit PIO Controllers with Up to 122 Programmable I/O Lines, Input Change Interrupt and Open-drain
Capability on Each Line
̶ 20-channel Peripheral DMA Controller (PDC)
● Ethernet MAC 10/100 Base-T
̶ Media Independent Interface (MII) or Reduced Media Independent Interface (RMII)
̶ Integrated 28-byte FIFOs and Dedicated DMA Channels for Receive and Transmit
● USB 2.0 Full Speed (12 Mbits per second) Host Double Port
̶ Dual On-chip Transceivers (Single Port Only on 208-lead PQFP Package)
̶ Integrated FIFOs and Dedicated DMA Channels
● USB 2.0 Full Speed (12 Mbits per second) Device Port
̶ On-chip Transceiver, 2-Kbyte Configurable Integrated FIFOs
● Multimedia Card Interface (MCI)
̶ Automatic Protocol Control and Fast Automatic Data Transfers
̶ MMC and SD Memory Card-compliant, Supports Up to Two SD Memory Cards
● Three Synchronous Serial Controllers (SSC)
̶ Independent Clock and Frame Sync Signals for Each Receiver and Transmitter
̶ I2S Analog Interface Support, Time Division Multiplex Support
̶ High-speed Continuous Data Stream Capabilities with 32-bit Data Transfer
● Four Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitters (USART)
̶ Support for ISO7816 T0/T1 Smart Card
̶ Hardware Handshaking
̶ RS485 Support, IrDA® Up To 115 Kbps
̶ Full Modem Control Lines on USART1
● Master/Slave Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
̶ 8- to 16-bit Programmable Data Length, 4 External Peripheral Chip Selects
● Two 3-channel, 16-bit Timer/Counters (TC)
̶ Three External Clock Inputs, Two Multi-purpose I/O Pins per Channel
̶ Double PWM Generation, Capture/Waveform Mode, Up/Down Capability
● Two-wire Interface (TWI)
̶ Master Mode Support, All 2-wire Atmel EEPROMs Supported
● IEEE® 1149.1 JTAG Boundary Scan on All Digital Pins
● Power Supplies
̶ 1.65V to 1.95V for VDDCORE, VDDOSC and VDDPLL
̶ 3.0V to 3.6V for VDDIOP (Peripheral I/Os) and for VDDIOM (Memory I/Os)
● Packages
̶ 208-pin Green PQFP
̶ 256-ball RoHS-compliant LFBGA