AN1780 データシート - STMicroelectronics

The purpose of this application note is to explain how to use the STR71x Real Time Clock (RTC) peripheral. As an application example, it demonstrates how to setup the RTC peripheral, in terms of prescaler and interrupts, to be used to keep the time and date and to generate Alarm interrupts.The STR71x RTC has a 32-bit binary counter register. The 32-bit binary counters are designed to continuously count time in seconds. This application note addresses how to convert the 32-bit time value into a date and time value that can be put in the following form MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM:SS.
The date used in this application note is the same used with the UNIX operating system, the reference date January 1, 1970, often referred to as Unix Epoch.
This document in organized in two sections, the first presents the STR71x RTC peripheral and how to configure it and generate a fixed time base, the second part describes the related software required for the application.
This application note deals with various techniques for keeping time with the STR71x.
For more information about the STR71x RTC peripheral refer to STR71x Reference Manual.