Analog Devices
The ADV478 (ADV®) and ADV471 are pin compatible and software compatible RAM-DACs designed specifically for Personal System/2 compatible color graphics. The ADV478 has a 256 × 24 color lookup table with triple 8-bit video D/A converters. It may be configured for either 6 bits or 8 bits per color operation. The ADV471 has a 256 ×18 color lookup table with triple 6-bit video D/A converters.
Personal System/2* Compatible
80 MHz Pipelined Operation
Triple 8-Bit (6-Bit) D/A Converters
256 3 24(18) Color Palette RAM
15 3 24(18) Overlay Registers
RS-343A/RS-170 Compatible Outputs
Sync on All Three Channels
Programmable Pedestal (0 or 7.5 IRE)
External Voltage or Current Reference
Standard MPU Interface
+5 V CMOS Monolithic Construction
44-Pin PLCC Package
Power Dissipation: 800 mW
High Resolution Color Graphics
CAE/CAD/CAM Applications
Image Processing
Desktop Publishing