Analog Devices
The ADuC814 is a fully integrated 247 kSPS 12-bit data acquisition system incorporating a high performance multichannel ADC, an 8-bit MCU, and program/data Flash/EE memory on a single chip.
Analog I/O
6-Channel 247 kSPS ADC
12-Bit Resolution
ADC High Speed Data Capture Mode
Programmable Reference via On-Chip DAC for Low
Level Inputs
ADC Performance Down to VREF of 0.1 V
Dual-Voltage Output DACs
12-Bit Resolution, 15 μs Settling Time
8 KBytes On-Chip Flash/EE Program Memory
640 Bytes On-Chip Flash/EE Data Memory
Flash/EE, 100-Year Retention, 100 K Cycles
Three Levels of Flash/EE Program Memory Security
In-Circuit Serial Download (No External Hardware
256 Bytes On-Chip Data RAM
8051 Based Core
8051 Compatible Instruction Set
32 kHz External Crystal
On-Chip Programmable PLL (16.78 MHz Max)
Three 16-Bit Timer/Counters
11 Programmable I/O Lines
11 Interrupt Sources, Two Priority Levels
Specified for 3 V and 5 V Operation
Normal: 3 mA @ 3 V (Core CLK = 2.1 MHz)
Power-Down: 15 μA at 3 V (32 kHz Running)
On-Chip Peripherals
Power-On Reset Circuit (No Need for External
POR Device)
Temperature Monitor (1.5°C)
Precision Voltage Reference
Time Interval Counter (Wake-Up/RTC Timer)
UART Serial I/O
SPI®/I2C® Compatible Serial I/O
Watchdog Timer (WDT) and Power Supply
Monitor (PSM)
Package and Temperature Range
28-Lead TSSOP 4.4 mm x 9.7 mm Body Package
Fully Specified for –40°C to +125°C Operation
Optical Networking—Laser Power Control
Base Station Systems—Power Amplifier Bias Control
Precision Instruments and Smart Sensors
Battery-Powered Systems and General Precision
System Monitors