Analog Devices
The ADT7483A1 is a three-channel digital thermometer and under/over temperature alarm, intended for use in PCs and thermal management systems. It can measure the temperature in two remote locations, for example, the remote thermal diode in a CPU or GPU, or a discrete diode connected transistor. It can also measure its own ambient temperature. The temperature of the remote thermal diode and ambient temperature can be accurately measured to ±1°C. The temperature measurement range defaults to 0°C to 127°C, compatible with ADM1032, but can be switched to a wider measurement range, from −64°C to +191°C.
1 local and 2 remote temperature sensors
0.25°C resolution/1°C accuracy on remote channels
1°C resolution/1°C accuracy on local channel
Extended, switchable temperature measurement range 0°C to 127°C (default) or –64°C to +191°C
2-wire SMBus serial interface with SMBus alert support
Programmable over/under temperature limits
Offset registers for system calibration
Up to 2 overtemperature fail-safe THERM outputs
Small 16-lead QSOP package
240 μA operating current, 5 μA standby current
Desktop and notebook computers
Industrial controllers
Smart batteries
Embedded systems
Burn-in applications