Analog Devices
The ADSP-218xN series consists of six single chip microcomputers optimized for digital signal processing applica tions. The high-level block diagram for the ADSP-218xN series members appears on the previous page. All series members are pin-compatible and are differentiated solely by the amount of on-chip SRAM. This feature, combined with ADSP-21xx code compatibility, provides a great deal of flexibility in the design decision.
12.5 ns Instruction Cycle Time @1.8 V (Internal), 80 MIPS Sustained Performance
Single-Cycle Instruction Execution
Single-Cycle Context Switch
3-Bus Architecture Allows Dual Operand Fetches in Every Instruction Cycle
Multifunction Instructions
Power-Down Mode Featuring Low CMOS Standby
Power Dissipation with 200 CLKIN Cycle Recovery from Power-Down Condition
Low Power Dissipation in Idle Mode
ADSP-2100 Family Code Compatible (Easy to Use Algebraic Syntax), with Instruction Set Extensions
Up to 256K Bytes of On-Chip RAM, Configured as
Up to 48K Words Program Memory RAM
Up to 56K Words Data Memory RAM
Dual-Purpose Program Memory for Both Instruction and Data Storage
Independent ALU, Multiplier/Accumulator, and Barrel Shifter Computational Units
Two Independent Data Address Generators
Powerful Program Sequencer Provides Zero Overhead Looping Conditional Instruction Execution
Programmable 16-Bit Interval Timer with Prescaler
100-Lead LQFP and 144-Ball Mini-BGA